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We do photography by nature, not by nurture!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lets talk Photography...

Photography has grown so much in the past few years and nowadays everyone does it for a hobby or just for fun. There is so much to learn of photography, it is a shame not to learn more about it and not to appreciate what it could mean to each of us and to the world.

If we explore the subject of photography, we will discover how much it means to so many people. Photography dates back to the 1600's, up to 1839 when the word "Photography" was officially invented. What a revelation! This is a perfect example of "changing life as we know it"! Just imagine what they've accomplished in that time and for the future. Just think of where we are now since then. Digital Photography was only invented in the 1990's so just think of the time passed and what we have now in our grasp.

We will focus on the process and the history of photography in the near future.

Today I really want to focus on what photography means to us. Most of us own cameras and love to use it for everything and everywhere we go. We keep it in our handbags, pockets and any place where we can just grab it quickly when a special moment happens. When we visit the zoo we take pictures of every animal and pictures of ourselves from every angle and in front of every corner there is. At gatherings we take pictures of everyone that is there (whether you know them or not), making faces and laughing at the pictures.

That is exactly what photography means to us, that we are able to live in the moment! Where else could you do things, have fun, see people you haven't in a while, make strange faces, do random things and jump in the air for no reason. Then relive it in every picture you get to look at and keep it forever? How special is that?

In my opinion photography is one of the best inventions and so easy for us to use. And everyone get to use it! You don't have to be a professional or a genius to do it, just have interest and be willing to learn something from it other than the technical aspects such as apertures and shutters.

I'm very excited about this blog, 'cause I get to share the most wonderful things with you. Whether it’s information, techniques, assignments, challenges, my photos and other I get to post for discussion.

Hope you get to see and experience the awesome world of Photography! May it change life as we know it! :)

Friday, January 7, 2011


Hi everyone!

Welcome welcome welcome to By Nature's new blog! We would really like every person to enjoy this blog and learn from all the information we will post and thoughts we will share with you. So be sure to keep an eye out at least once a week!

Please feel free to comment on anything and contact us if you have anything on your pretty little hearts...

Happy reading :)